Preview: Killer Shows – May 19

Thurs. May 19th

Youth Brigade
Youth Brigade, Union 13, Generacion Suicida @ the Echo, Echo Park, $16.50
The Stern brothers considerable contributions to punk rock are undeniable. They are responsible for BYO records, Punk Rock Bowling and their longtime So Cal band Youth Brigade respectively. Continue reading

Live Review: Iggy Pop @ the Greek Theatre

Iggy Pop @ the Greek Theatre

Los Angeles
By: J Dub

Since 2003 I have been fortunate enough to see Iggy and The Stooges play in Los Angeles three times. Of course everyone knows that the Stooges put out three absolute classic albums in the late 60’s/early 70’s and are one of the greatest rock n’ roll bands of all-time, practically inventing punk rock. Those Stooges shows were great, especially the Palladium show in 2011.

When I heard that Iggy Pop would be performing a set of all solo material at the Greek Theatre in April, I was intrigued. I knew he had a new album out but he hadn’t performed as a solo artist in Los Angeles since 1999. Continue reading

Live Review: Hinds @ the Echoplex

Hinds @ The Echoplex

Los Angeles
By D. Romero


Excitement was in the air as Hinds took to the stage at the Echoplex. The Spanish all girl band from Madrid were on their final date of their US tour. The band took to the stage with the speakers blaring the pre-show music of Hot Chocolate’s “Sexy Thing” as they strutted their way to their instruments. There has been a buzz about these girls since they first garnered attention a little over a year and a half ago Continue reading

Live Review: Pins @ the Bootleg Theatre

Pins @ the Bootleg Theater

Los Angeles
By D. Romero


Being a woman in rock is hard. First of all, you are always noted for your gender. If you happen to be an all-female group, chances are that gets thrown out there too – as if musicianship and talent are solely a male dominated trait. Women musicians are almost treated like they are mythical creatures simply because of their gender and the fact that they can play instruments too. Talent is often overshadowed by appearance and a lot of the time the industry acts as if the two must go hand in hand if you are of the ‘fairer sex’. You would think that as a society, we would have gotten past this already. That being said, PINS (hailing from Manchester, England) ARE very qualified musicians. They have all the swagger and command of the stage instrumentally – while playing up that kitten with claws image. Continue reading