Record Reviews: Acapulco Lips / Goggs

acapulco lips cover art

Acapulco Lips self titled CD/LP/CT (Killroom Records)

The debut release from this three-piece band out of Seattle. This really caught me by surprise – it’s chalk full of catchy little garage/surf/fuzz-pop numbers. The opener My Time starts the hip shaking off in style with double snare hits and reverby guitar chords. Female bass player/vocalist Maria Elena Juarez states in her sweet vocal tone “I’m gonna tell you just how it’s gonna be” and “if you know what’s best you’ll get right out of my way” with all the attitude and self-confidence of the punk priestess that I’m sure she is. The song ramps up after each chorus with a barrage of drum rolls and searing guitar solos, a trend that continues throughout the rest of the album.

Song 2, Awkward Waltz, is truly fantastic. The vocal is blanketed in a thick layer of delay yet rises above and reaches out to deliver quite a memorable performance. More of the same musically with steady low-end bass strumming, primitive up-tempo drum beats, and distorted surf guitar sounds. Organ is added for extra garagey goodness. This song has kind of a tragic feel and it has depth. Perhaps the best cut on the album.

There’s nothing worse than bands who release stale records that suffer from sameness. These guys (and gal) avoid that as this album moves along with garage-pop songs that have varying moods and tone, keeping things fresh. Gotta Know, Shoes On, and Hangover Blues are solid tracks that make this a cool record. Acapulco Lips are a band I look forward to seeing live sometime (hopefully) in the near future.

-J Dub

Acapulco Lips – My Time
Acapulco Lips – Awkward Waltz
Acapulco Lips – Hangover Blues


Goggs self titled CD/LP (In The Red Records)

This is not screaming metallic fastcore that lacks groove or substance. Nor is it annoying melodic pop-punk that lacks punch. It is hard-hitting, straight forward punk rock – in the best sense of the term. The album is a collection of well-structured songs that experiment with distortion and pace and have an aggression that hits right at your center. They are focused, yet Goggs play with a certain looseness that draws you in and makes them instantly likable.

Much of their enjoyable sound is due to the tough vocals of Chris Shaw. His hardcore background informs his confident delivery – which sounds more like a scolding than it does singing. It is a real treat to not have to put up with high-pitched falsetto vocals which is currently trending in underground garage rock these days. The music, of course, is a fuzzed-out excursion in savagery. It can be noisy and bizarre in moments which fuses well with its driving rhythms and energetic blasts. The songs are short and to the point which is much appreciated. The whole album is good, I won’t even bother picking out any standout tracks.

Have I mentioned this is kind of an all-star lineup that is making all this trouble? Goggs are Ty Segall and Charles Moothart from Fuzz (trading off on guitar and drums respectively), Chris Shaw of Ex-Cult on vocals, and various guests on bass. In spite of the miles of experience that make up this band, Goggs have created a sound and vibe that is uniquely their own and have come up with a killer record.

-J Dub

Goggs – Shotgun Shooter
Goggs – Needle Tradeoff
Goggs – Goggs
Goggs – Falling In